Informal Case Study: Benefit of Massage for Tongue Tied Infant
In my experience as a massage therapist I have seen that bodywork therapies such as massage and chiropractic care can be beneficial for newborns who have been diagnosed with tongue tie. Tongue Tie is described as a tight band of tissue or muscular restriction in the mouth that can prevent children from nursing well. It can also cause speech impediments and tooth decay. I have found that children who have tongue ties often have other muscular restriction or dysfunction. I can not offer evidence or peer reviewed study on this, as it is only personal experience in my practice. Unfortunately there have not been many studies on pediatric massage or the effect of bodywork on the pediatric population.
Isabel was born and had trouble nursing immediately. An examination determined that she had a posterior and anterior tongue tie. Hospital staff decided clipping the anterior tongue tie was the best way to get her to nurse and gain weight, but wanted to leave the posterior tongue tie to see if it continued to affected her.
After having the anterior tongue tie revision, Isabel nursed perfectly on the right side, but had great difficulty nursing on the left. She had 100% range of motion in flexion (bending the neck) and lateral rotation (turning the neck) towards the right side. But had about 20% range of motion towards the left side. She was diagnosed with torticollis. (Congenital defect in the neck muscles causing one side to be much shorter than the other.) Isabel’s trouble nursing on one side stemmed from the lack of range of motion on the left side of her body.
Upon further examination determined that Isabel had tension and muscular restrictions on the entire right side of her body. Because of the excess tension, she was comfortable leaning towards the right side, and could not lay or be held straight. She was uncomfortable when put in a position that made her straight and even, and often cried in pain and frustration while nursing on the left side.
Babywearing in optimal position, muscular stretches to improve range of motion on the neck, and massage and bodywork were recommended as a primary method of correction for Isabel’s dysfunction.
Treatment for Tongue Tie and Torticollis
Isabel’s neck was stretched in flexion and rotation, on both sides, 4 times a day. She also recieved massage twice a week for the first 3 months of her life, and then one massage a week until her first birthday.
Gradually Isabel began nursing with more comfort on the left side, and gained more range of motion. By three months Isabel’s range of motion had improved from 20% to 70%.
She still favored the right side. However mother reported less pain during nursing sessions, especially on the left side.
At about 5 months of age, Isabel began trying to crawl. She would place herself on her hands and knees and rock, and then drop her pelvis and completely splay her legs flush with the floor.
In caution, and to make sure massage was not doing more harm than good, Isabel was evaluated for hip dysplasia using the hip click method. Her pediatrician also assessed her movement and decided that hip dysplasia was not an issue. Because of her progress with the torticollis, her pediatrician recommended continued bodywork for her.
At age 8 months, Isabel could sit unassisted in a relatively straight position. She had 100% range of motion in lateral rotation and flexion on both sides. She could nurse comfortably on both sides, and mother reported no more pain with nursing. Isabel also learned how to crawl without splaying her hips. At this point, Isabel was a normal and healthy child, with no feeding trouble, and no kinetic dysfunction. Isabel continued to get a massage once a week until her first birthday.

Isabel at 8 months old. Sitting relatively straight.continued to gain weight and otherwise thrive and hit developmental milestones.
Bodywork helped Isabel correct her torticollis, nurse better, sleep better, and stay comfortable. Massage and bodywork for tongue tie should be considered as an adjunct therapy for infants and children who have been diagnosed with tongue ties and are having difficulty nursing, in conjunction with proper pediatric care and lactation support.
We offer massage and bodywork for pediatric clients in Central Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Edmond, and the surrounding areas. Contact us to find out more, or to book an in home or in studio session! 262-75-DOULA (36852)
Brittany Chavez is the owner of Beautifully Connected. She is a passionate and business minded woman on a journey to support pregnant women and their families. She has the knowledge and determination to make sure all of your wellness needs are met. She has worked as a massage therapist and pregnancy consultant, and has helped over 500 clients in the Oklahoma City Metro Area. She volunteers with the Oklahoma Birth Trauma Support Group for mothers and families who have experienced birth trauma and pregnancy loss. She lives in Oklahoma City with her husband and four children.
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2 Comments on “Is Your Baby Tongue Tied? Consider Bodywork!”
Where is this located? My grandson has lip tie and he is 8 weeks old. Her and her husband live in Statesboro Georgia. I would like them to try a massage therapist, my daughter is open to it. My name is Laurie Davis 229-854-3313. Could someone please call me
Sorry, Laurie. We are in Oklahoma. I’m not sure of any practitioners in that area. I’m wishing you the best of luck.