Two Doulas for the Price of One. Why Settle for Less?
When you book doula services with Beautifully Connected you benefit by adding TWO birth experts to your team!
- Two doulas will attend prenatals with you.
- Both will develop a deep understanding of your unique needs.
- You will build a relationship with two expert doulas, and gain perspective from two sources.
- You benefit from the knowledge of our combined experience and knowledge!
Two Doulas for Birth – Shared Call Schedule

The on call lifestyle of a doula is a very difficult to maintain. Many solo doulas are on call for 2 or 3 weeks surrounding your due date. We are on call for you 24/7 from the time you book us! We will be there for you whether your labor date comes early or late!
Your doula will be fresh and ready to support you when the time comes. Our shared call schedule ensures that we are never overworked or overtired. We work in 12 hours shifts much like hospital nurses! And will arrive at your birth rested, and ready to assist you!
What If Someone Else Goes into Labor at the Same Time as Me?
Unlike many solo practice doulas our company provides assurance. It is common practice for solo doulas to have a backup or alternate in case two clients go into labor at the same time. Often times the backup is someone you have not met, or have met only briefly. At the very least it is not the person you interviewed with and hired.
If one of our other clients goes into labor at the same time you do, you will not get a backup or alternate doula. You will get one of the doulas you hired!
When you hire a team of doulas from Beautifully Connected you know exactly what to expect from us! Professionalism, assurance, and reliability!