What Is A Doula?
According to the Merriam Webster’s Dictionary: The word “doula” comes from the Greek Term for female helper, maidservant, from Greek doulē female slave. So in more modern terms a doula is a personal assistant who will help you through life’s transitions.Request a Consultation
Different Types of Doulas
Our modern society is both connected and unplugged at the same time. People are in constant communication but would rather text than talk. When at dinner they would rather look at their phones than at each other! Walking through life is very much the same. We aren’t supportive of each other as a society because we don’t know how to be!
Hiring a doula will enhance your experience. We are the experts in family support. We work as your personal assistant to develop a plan that will work for your family.
Bereavement Doulas
1 in 4 women will experience a pregnancy loss. A bereavement doula will help you process your loss, and will be a comforting listening ear for you and your family.Bereavement Doulas attend high risk OB-GYN visits. Stay with you for surgery or birth. Follow up with you at home, and make sure you are healing.We work with families who are experiencing miscarriage and pregnancy loss.
We act as guides through the grieving process; we help families reach an acceptance of their loss.
We work hard to memorialize your baby. Your baby is a person and had a life, no matter how short. Our bereavement doulas believe your family is important and you deserve supported through your experiences by our wellness professionals.
Bereavement SupportPostpartum Doulas
Parents know how to take care of their children, but sometimes they need a little help. Having a new baby can be overwhelming. The transition is difficult whether it is your first baby, or your 5th! Postpartum doulas help you navigate the transition of bringing baby home! We also help all of your family members (pets included!) adjust to having a new baby in the home!We give you unbiased information and support, and help you develop a routine that works for your family. Your postpartum doula will never judge you for your parenting decisions! Instead, we are here to help you find out what will work for you. Often times we help you with meal prep, breastfeeding, cleaning and most importantly SLEEPING. We are trained to look for the warning signs of Postpartum Depression and Anxiety, and have appropriate community resources for our clients who need them!
Postpartum Support
Birth Doulas
Birth doulas are probably the best known type of doula! We are trained to support all pregnancy and delivery outcomes of laboring women and their families. We fill the shoes that you need us to, when you need us! We are very knowledgeable about birth and comfort measures, and are proficient in supporting you throughout labor. We help you prepare for birth with private Childbirth Education Classes, so that you have the knowledge and power you need to birth on your terms!
Having a baby is a life changing experience for you and your partner! We believe that your partner should be your main support person during labor! Recent studies indicate that most women feel dissatisfied with their husbands after childbirth.
What is the reason for this? We believe that partners want to be supportive at birth, but most lack the knowledge of how to do that. The feeling of being without support creates frustration for the birthing partner.
I felt my husband was not on board or emotionally present for me during my first three births. He didn’t know how to support me through labor and birth. I deeply resented him for it. With our last baby, we took the time to find extra support and take childbirth education classes. When given the tools to support me, my husband did an excellent job! The problem before was not that my husband did not want to support me. He simply didn’t know how. No one took the time to include him in this experience. No one asked him how he was feeling, or what kind of experience he wanted out of our births. No one even gave him the chance! When armed with information and support I believe partners at birth can become knights in shining armor! Brittany Chavez, Doula and LMT
Expectant parents who hire doulas are proven to feel more satisfied with their birth experiences than their peers! We provide support and reassurance to you and your partner. If your partner needs to grab some food, use the restroom, or take a break, your doula tag teams in so you are never left alone!
You and your partner are the star of the show. Your doulas are the extra crew members behind the scenes. We make sure you stay confident, informed, and comfortable. We will have suggestions for support and comfort throughout every situation and stage of labor. We are a wealth of knowledge about birth, and a constant reassuring presence for you during labor.
When you go to the hospital to give birth, you will have a few nurses attending you. Most of the time doctors are absent during labor! Sometimes if they are on call when you go into labor they will come in to check on you. However your doctor will continue with other tasks during your stay. (Checking on other laboring patients, and patients who have already given birth.) When you deliver your baby, your nurses, a baby nurse or pediatric specialist, your doctor, other hospital staff, and your support people will be present. Unfortunately this means that more than half of the people in the room will be complete strangers! Not to mention, your doctor will most likely not show up to assist until birth is imminent! (Right before the birth!)
You will be supported by total strangers who are invested in your health and safety through this experience! You deserve to be supported by your loved ones, and support professionals who are solely invested in your emotional well being! Birth on your terms, with us on your team!
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